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Can Vestibular Rehabilitation Help Me Stop Feeling Dizzy? Finding Your Balance Again in Edmonton - Price: Rs. 100

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May 13, 2024
May 13, 2025
The room spins, the ground sways, and that nausea...ugh, the nausea! Feeling dizzy is no fun. It disrupts your daily activities, makes you anxious, and leaves you wondering – what's causing this, and how can I make it stop?
If persistent dizziness, vertigo, or balance problems are plaguing you, you might be dealing with a vestibular dysfunction. But fear not, there's a solution! vestibular physiotherapy in Edmonton can be your ticket back to feeling steady on your feet. Here at Turning Point Physical Therapy in Edmonton, our team of vestibular physiotherapy specialists can help you reclaim your balance and conquer dizziness.
Understanding Your Inner Ear: The Balance Boss
Deep within your inner ear lies the vestibular system – a complex network of canals and organs. This system acts like your body's internal gyroscope, playing a crucial role in balance and spatial orientation. When this system gets irritated or malfunctions, it can send confusing signals to your brain, leading to that dreaded feeling of dizziness.
Common Culprits Behind Vestibular Dysfunction:
Inner ear infections
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) – a specific type of dizziness triggered by head movements
Meniere's disease – a condition affecting the inner ear that causes dizziness, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and hearing loss
Head injuries
Certain medications
Can Vestibular Rehabilitation Be My Superhero?
Absolutely! Vestibular rehabilitation is a form of physiotherapy specifically designed to retrain your brain and inner ear to work together more effectively. Think of it as a recalibration program for your balance system.
Here's How Vestibular Rehabilitation Works:
Initial Assessment: Our vestibular physiotherapists will take the time to understand your symptoms, their severity, and any potential triggers. This may involve a physical examination, discussing your medical history, and specific balance tests.

Treatment Plan Development: Based on the assessment, a personalized treatment plan will be created. This plan might include a combination of the following:

Canalith repositioning maneuvers (CRMs): These specific head movements are highly effective for treating BPPV, helping to dislodge tiny crystals that can cause dizziness.

Gaze stabilization exercises: These exercises train your eyes to follow moving objects smoothly, reducing dizziness caused by conflicting visual and vestibular signals.

Balance retraining exercises: These exercises gradually challenge your balance system, helping it adapt and improve your overall stability.

Habituation exercises: These exercises expose you to movements that typically trigger dizziness in a controlled environment, allowing your brain to habituate (get used to) them and reduce the dizziness response.

What to Expect During Vestibular Rehabilitation:
Vestibular rehabilitation is typically an outpatient program, with sessions lasting 30-60 minutes, 2-3 times per week. The duration of treatment will depend on the severity of your condition and your progress.
Here are some things to keep in mind:
Vestibular rehabilitation is not a quick fix, but a gradual process of retraining your brain and vestibular system. Consistency with your exercises is key!
You might experience some initial dizziness during exercises – this is normal and typically subsides as your treatment progresses.
Communication is important. Be open with your therapist about any concerns or challenges you experience during your rehab program.
Beyond Stopping Dizziness: The Benefits of Vestibular Rehabilitation:
Vestibular rehabilitation isn't just about eliminating dizziness. Here are some additional benefits you might experience:
Improved balance and coordination
Reduced fear of falling
Increased confidence in daily activities
Enhanced quality of life
Taking the First Step Towards a Dizzier-Free Future
Don't let dizziness control your life. At Turning Point Physical Therapy in Edmonton, our vestibular physiotherapy specialists are here to help you regain your balance and get back to feeling your best.
Contact us today to schedule an appointment and take the first step towards a dizziness-free future!
Remember, early intervention with vestibular rehabilitation can significantly improve your chances of a full recovery. Let our team guide you on your path back to a life of stability and confidence.
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