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Revolutionary Breakthrough: Unveiling a Cure for High Creatinine Levels in Kidneys - Price: Rs. 0

Ad # 820829
Bharat Homeopathy
122022 (map)
June 7, 2023
June 6, 2024
As a waste product from the breakdown process, muscles produce creatinine. The kidneys eliminate it from the blood, and it is then excreted through the urine. High levels of creatinine in the blood, known as high creatinine, are an indicator of kidney disease or other underlying health conditions.

Here are some possible causes of high creatinine levels:

Kidney problems: The most common cause of high creatinine is impaired kidney function. Various conditions, including acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease, kidney infections, or urinary tract obstructions, can lead to elevated creatinine levels.

Dehydration: Insufficient fluid intakes or excessive fluid loss, such as from sweating, vomiting, or diarrhoea, can lead to concentrated urine and temporarily increase creatinine levels.

Muscle damage: Conditions that cause muscle breakdown, such as rhabdomyolysis (severe muscle injury), extensive burns, or prolonged immobilisation, can result in high creatinine levels.

High-protein diet: Consuming a diet high in protein can increase creatinine levels since creatinine is a byproduct of protein metabolism.
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