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What is a kidney and what various problems are related to the kidney? - Price: Rs. 0

Ad # 819216
Bharat Homeopathy
122022 (map)
May 29, 2023
May 28, 2024
Kidneys are like bean-shaped organ which eliminates liquids and wastes from the blood.
Various problems related to the kidney are:
Kidney stone
Kidney Cyst
Kidney infection
Polycystic kidney disease
Acute kidney disease
Chronic kidney disease
These are some kidney problems caused due to high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.

What are the symptoms of kidney problems?
There are various symptoms of kidney problems which are given below:
1. Itchy skin
2. Insomnia (difficulty in sleeping)
3. Fatigue and weakness
4. Loss of weight and poor appetite.
5. Frequent urination
6. Blood in urine
7. Shortness of breathing
8. Swelling in the ankle, feet, and legs.

How to diagnose kidney problems?
Various tests are conducted to diagnose kidney problems, which shows how well your kidneys are functioning or if is there any problem in the kidney.
Below are the tests for kidney diagnosis:
1. Blood test- It is also known as GFR(glomerular filtration rate) which shows how well your kidneys are functioning and shows the level of creatinine.
2. Urine test- A test to identify kidney problems.

What is the treatment given for kidney problems?
The treatment for kidney disease depends on the specific underlying condition and the stage of the disease. There are various approaches to kidney problems treatment, including:
1. Medication
2. Dietary changes
3. Fluid management
4. Blood pressure control
5. Symptoms management
6. Supportive care
Along with these treatments, Homeopathic treatment is considered the best kidney problems treatment.

What is Chronic kidney disease(CKD)?
CKD is a long-term condition in which kidneys gradually lose their function over time. It may cause excess fluids and waste from the blood and causes other health problems, such as heart disease and stroke.
Diabetes, high blood pressure, and glomerulonephritis may cause chronic kidney disease.
CKD is categorized into 5 stages in which stage 4 is the last stage before kidney failure.
Treatment for chronic kidney disease stage 4 may include proper medication, dietary changes, fluid management, blood pressure control, Proper care, and support.

How to diagnose CKD?
CKD diagnosis includes blood tests and urine tests. These tests are conducted to identify this disease. Chronic kidney disease diagnosis measures how well your kidneys are functioning.

What kind of diet is given to CKD patients?
A chronic renal failure diet consists of low sodium, phosphorus, and protein. It includes various foods like cabbage, cauliflower, egg white, fish, etc.
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