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Breast Lift Surgery in Hyderabad. Call Us 9459450888 - Price: Rs. 0

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Breast Lift

As a woman, you know that changes in your body are a part of life. However, as you age, or go through pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight changes, you may notice that your breasts lose their shape, and firmness, and begin to sag. Sagging breasts not only look unflattering but they can also be uncomfortable and feel heavy at all times. Although regular exercise and correct posture can help to some extent, they may not completely restore your breasts to their former shape and firmness. But, with a breast lift surgery, you can get a permanent solution and regain the youthful, lifted, and symmetrical appearance of your breasts.

At Eternelle Aesthetics, the best cosmetic clinic in Hyderabad, we offer a wide range of cosmetic surgeries, including breast lift procedures, that can help you achieve your desired aesthetic goals.

What is breast lift surgery?
A breast lift, or mastopexy, is surgery performed by a plastic surgeon to lift, reshape and tighten the breast. It may also help in improving asymmetry and other imperfections.

The treatment involves raising the breasts by removing extra skin and tightening the surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new breast form, as well as repositioning the nipple higher on your chest wall.

The surgery can be combined with breast augmentation or reduction. The results of the breast lift surgery will be noticeable immediately.

When should you consider breast lift surgery?
Consider the treatment if:
Your breasts have lost form and volume, or they have become flatter and longer
Your breasts droop or sag to the point where your nipples fall below the crease line when they aren't supported
Your nipples and areolae point downward
Your areolae have gotten out of proportion to your breasts
Your breasts are asymmetrical, with one breast lower than the other

What are the benefits of the breast lift procedure?

Corrects asymmetry in breasts
Reduces large areolas to enhance the aesthetic appearance
Improves cleavage
Shapes and rounds the breasts for a more attractive appearance
Enhances the breasts' appearance even without a bra

What to expect during the procedure?
As mastopexy is a cosmetic treatment, it can be done at an outpatient surgery clinic, which means you can go home the same day.

During the procedure, the surgeon will use anesthesia to keep you asleep and pain-free. The surgery generally follows these steps:

The surgeon will mark your breast in the standing position to determine the new position of your nipple.
The surgeon will make incisions around the areola and possibly along the sides of the areola.
The breast tissue will be lifted and reshaped to a more youthful contour.
The surgeon will reposition the areolas and reduce their size if necessary.
Any excess skin will be removed to give your breasts a firmer appearance.
The incisions will be closed with stitches, sutures, surgical tape, or skin adhesives. The surgeon will try to place the incisions in parts of the breast where they will be less visible.
If you decide to have breast implants along with mastopexy, your surgeon may perform the augmentation procedure at the same time, or they may suggest doing the procedures in stages to ensure safety and prevent nipple loss.
Healing stages and recovery from breast lift surgery
The Day of Breast Lift Surgery: Rest and wear post-op bandages and surgical bra
Three Days after the Breast Lift Surgery: Mild to moderate discomfort, follow-up visit to remove drainage tubes and bandages, sponge bath only
One Week after Breast Lift Surgery: Significant reduction in discomfort, avoid heavy lifting, able to move around the house
Two Weeks after Breast Lift Surgery: Discomfort is gone, stitches removed (if necessary), regular showering, avoid swimming pools and saunas
One Month after Breast Lift Surgery: Resume most activities, and avoid weight lifting and intensive sports, incision sites should be fully healed, and most swelling is subsided
Six Weeks after Breast Lift Surgery: Stop wearing a compression bra, return to normal activities, use scar minimization treatments, and wear sunscreen to prevent the darkening of scars.

Breast Lift Results
After the surgery, you will notice an immediate change in the appearance of your breasts, but their shape will continue to evolve over the next few months.

While scars from the surgery are permanent, they will gradually soften and become thin within one to two years. In most cases, the scars can be concealed by bras and bathing suits.

You may also notice that your breast size is slightly smaller after the procedure, as your breasts become firmer and rounder. However, it's important to note that breast lift results may not be permanent. Aging can cause the skin to become less elastic, leading to some sagging, particularly in women with larger, heavier breasts. Maintaining a consistent, healthy weight might aid in the maintenance of your results.

If you are considering breast lift surgery, Eternelle Aesthetics is the best cosmetic clinic in Hyderabad to turn to. Our board-certified plastic surgeons are experts in helping you achieve your goals and addressing your concerns about breast lift surgery. We have a proven track record of delivering excellent results and providing personalized care to our patients.

So why wait? Book a consultation with our team today to learn more about how we can help you achieve the results you desire.
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