Free Classifieds Advertising - Advantages and Disadvantages

February 04, 2015

Are you looking for free classifieds advertising advantages and disadvantages? If so, you are reading the right article. In this detailed article, we are going to shed some light on the pros and cons of posting free classified ads on free classified ad websites. As the name suggests, these ad sites let every advertiser post ads about their business for free of cost. Unlike paid sites, you don’t have to spend a single penny to post ads. There is no need to get a credit card and make payment. All you have to do is create an ad, get online, choose a few free ad sites, and post that ad to each of them one by one. That is it. The ad will be online instantly or after a manual review by editors. Let us go into details to find out more.

Advantages of Free Classifieds Advertising

Free of charge: free online classifieds let you post ads for free. This is good news for you, especially if you are on a budget. You can use the money you saved to invest in your business to expand it.


Target the market: Usually, each free classified ad site has categories and subcategories, such as Home and Garden, Mobile Phones and Gadgets etc. What is the benefit of it? What you have to do is post your ad in the relevant category, which will help your prospective customers find your company or business ad with ease. In other words, free classified ad sites let you target the market with ease.


Ease to create: you don’t have you spend all day to create an ad for these sites. With a bit of practiced, you can easily create a compelling ad in less than 20 minutes. What you need to do is come up with eye-catching words for each ad. The heading of each ad should be impressive and attractive enough to grab the eyes of online searchers.


Pictures: If you have a picture of your product or service you are posting the ad about, that is great. You can attach that photo to your ad post. There is a saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. So, this is another great advantage of free classifieds advertising.


Easy to track: the majority of free ads sites display statistics during the performance of the ad post. This is a great thing because you can analyze the how the ad is working for you. The stats report will show you how many visits have taken place because of that ad and so on.


Competition: In business, you have to fight the competition in order to stay ahead. This is a must if you don’t want to see your business suffer losses. By posting ads on free classified ad sites, you can be the market leader. Many business owners underestimate the importance of free classifieds advertising, and end up beaten by competition. You don’t want to do that.

Fast response: As soon as the ads you post go live, you will start getting responses in the form of customers. This is because millions of online buyers head to free classified ad sites to look for the product or services they need.




Limited space: You cannot post a 500-word long ad post. So, if readers want more information about a product, they cannot have it because your ad text should be in limited number of words. So, this is a con of free classifieds advertising.


Ad disappearance: normally, there are tons of companies offering their services through these free ads. So, there is a good chance that your ad will get lost among the numerous ads out there.


Location: The location of your posts carries a good deal of importance. If the location is good, you will get the attention of millions of people, but if the location is bad, you won’t get the exposure you desired. This is another downside of free classifieds advertising.

So, these were the two side of the same picture. If you want to use free classifieds advertising websites, we recommend that you take into account all the advantages and disadvantages given in this detailed article. Hopefully, you will find this approach helpful in growing your business.



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