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Top Models of Swaraj Tractor in India - Price: Rs. 400000

Ad # 835751
411028 (map)
November 4, 2023
November 3, 2024
Swaraj 717:
Engine Power: 15 HP
Key Features:
Swaraj 717 is compact and lightweight design renders it perfectly suited for use on modest-sized landholdings.
Effective for a wide range of agricultural tasks, including soil cultivation, furrowing, and transportation.
Suitable for inter-cultivation and orchard farming.
Swaraj 735 FE:
Engine Power: 35 HP
Key Features:
Swaraj 735 tractor is meticulously engineered to excel in agricultural operations of medium scale, owing to its robust power and exceptional performance.
Fitted with modern amenities such as power steering and a versatile multi-speed PTO system.
Perfectly suitable for a wide range of tasks, covering everything from planting to harvesting.
Swaraj 744 FE:
Engine Power: 48 HP
Key Features:
A versatile tractor built to effortlessly tackle both primary and secondary tillage duties.
Features a robust build and a driver's cabin that prioritizes comfort.
Proficient at managing heavy agricultural implements and delivering elevated productivity levels.
Swaraj 855 FE:
Engine Power: 52 HP
Key Features:
Swaraj 855 is widely acclaimed in the realm of extensive agricultural operations, mainly owing to its remarkable power output.
Boasting advanced characteristics like power steering, dual-clutch operation, and brakes with oil-immersed technology.
Highly versatile and suitable for a range of applications, such as plowing, sowing, and hauling.
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